Installing our TrailerSaver BD5 Hitch

In this video we show you how we go about installing our TrailerSaver BD5 hitch. As mentioned in our video review of the hitch (found here) this sucker is built like a tank, and as such, it’s HEAVY!!! Around 300 pounds! So it’s not something you can easily install and remove on a regular basis.

We use a tractor with forks on it to lift the hitch. Here is a link to the kind of straps we use and shown in the video:

Lifting Sling:

You could also use an engine hoist or even a come-along looped up over a beam or something that you can back under with your truck. I guess a few strong people could manage to wrestle the thing in and out as well.

If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments section below and we’d be glad to answer any that we can.

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Dave & Janice

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