NFA Basecamp – Installing a Lift Dock (Part 2)

Dave and Janice back with part 2 in this 2-part series.

In this video we show you how the dock supplier installed our lift dock at NFA Basecamp. A Lift Dock is a dock that can be tilted up out of the water during the winter months so that it is not damaged by ice.

In Part 1 we formed and poured a HUGE chunk of concrete along the shoreline that the dock is now attached to. In this video we will show you the actual dock installation and testing, as well as us building a set of stairs that lead from the dock to a 12′ by 12′ cedar deck.

You can find part 1 here:

Check out our dock manufacturer, C&M Superior Systems. We are not affiliated with them in any way. We just love the dock they built for us and want to show them some props.

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Dave & Janice